Women Quotes and Thoughts

1. "Women are always being  tested...but ultimately, each of  us has to define who we are  individually and then do the very best job we can to grow into it."
                        -Hillary Clinton

2. The beauty of a woman is not  in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the  way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from her eyes because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.

3. A woman has strengths that amazes men. She can handle trouble and carry heavy burdens.She holds happiness, love and opinions. She smiles when she feels like screaming. she is afraid her love is  unconditional.There's only one thing wrong with her. She sometimes forget she is worth praise in her personality in  every shape a mother, a friend, a sister, a daughter, a teacher, a wife.

4. Women of God:"It is by letting the world go and coming unto Christ that we increasingly live as women of God. We are women of faith, virtue, vision, and Charity who rejoice in motherhood and in womanhood and in the family. We are not panicked about  perfection, but we are working  to become more pure. And we know that in the strength of the Lord we can do all righteous things because we have immersed ourselves in His gospel. We cannot be women of the world, for we are latter-day women of God."

5. A real woman avoids drama she knows her time is precious and she's not wasting it on unimportant people or things...


When a girl SAYS SORRY even though she didn't do anything,...
When a girl CRIES because she still loves or misses u...
When a girl still TRIES TO GET U BACK...
When a girl no matter how much U HURT HER STILL LOVES U...
When a girl STOPS her argument with her guy to SAFE her relationship...
When a girl continuously MAKES U FEEL SPECIAL and TRIES TO MAKE U HAPPY...
When a girl is upset but DOES NOT tell u as she thinks she is ANNOYING U...
When a girl wants to LEAVE u because of your RUDE BEHAVIOR but she is not able to do...


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